Tuesday, December 31st, 2019
New Year’s Eve Dinner & Show
818 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20006
8:30pm - 11:30pm
Recently featured in The Washington Post
Through his deep passion for captivating storytelling, Savino Recine engages with his audience using different forms of magic. His slight of hand techniques, mind reading, and unusual stunt performances will keep you on the edge of your seat in awe and amazement. In his famous prediction act, not only does Savino read the minds of audience members, but he also reveals people's hopes and dreams. With his intuitive power, sense of humor, and interactive show, Savino demonstrates how "having fun with the impossible" is a delightful experience for all.
(703) 851-5555
For the past 30 years Savino Recine has owned multiple restaurants throughout the Washington Metropolitan area, which have all been praised from local critics. He also regularly hosted and performed magic dinner in his most renowned restaurant, Primi Piatti, More recently, he appeared on the Morning show on Channel 9, Fox 5, as well as international television networks in Mexico and Panama. Savino has entertained countless audiences including the Vice President Joe Biden, Senators, and Ambassadors from different countries, former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, and former CIA Director John M. Deutch. Furthermore, he has been featured in Washingtonian Magazine, the Washington Post, Washington Business Journal, and Washington Weekend. With his magic Savino has mystified lots of guests, and gained a following, due to his charisma and passion for what he loves to do.
"I have seen Savino's magic show numerous times, and am mesmerized and amazed as if I'm watching the show for the first time. At every show, I noticed that the audience is always captivated and entertained. I strongly recommend Savino's show for an incredible evening that you will remember forever!" - Roberto Donna, restauranteur
"Savino intertwines his own fascinating stories into an aw-inspiring show of illusion, mental telepathy and may I say, “Magic” for an evening of unforgettable entertainment. A true master of illusionary art. He will leave you laughing, wondering, puzzled and totally amazed. - Tod Neuenschwander, Annapolis, Maryland
"Savino, Marina and I both continue to be amazed and astounded by your skills as a magician. Indeed, you are far more than a magician; you are a master entertainer. As I’ve said to you before, we have no interest whatsoever in knowing how you do what you do. Of course, that we wouldn’t understand it if you did tell, but more than that, your skills belong to you and you alone, and our job – our pleasure -- is to enjoy them. We look forward to seeing your next “bag of tricks.” - Fred and Marina
"Savino is a Magician extraordinaire and presented a mesmerizing and captivating show a few weeks ago in Old Town Alexandria. His show went way beyond just simple magic tricks - Savino’s audience was in total disbelief as he performed mind-bending tricks that was pure magic. Playing cards disappeared, reappeared and moved from one end of the room to the other, as if they were airborne. Savino had us laughing, scratching our heads and applauding as he went through numerous acts that left us spell-bound. In one act, I counted out 15 cards, placed them in an envelope and sealed the envelope with a large audience watching. The envelope never left my hand and when opened a few minutes later, only 9 cards were there – where did the missing 6 cards go? How did they leave a sealed envelope? Did Savino, through sheer mental power, remove the cards? It was astonishing to watch, and to this day, I have no explanation. I highly recommend Savino’s Magic Show for a unique and special evening – we were all enthralled and enjoyed every minute of the performance. Bravo Savino!!!" - Theo Adamstein
"Savino Recine performed a magician mentalist act for Lansdowne Woods of Virginia and we loved him! Savino's predictions and sleight of hand coupled with the real-life magic of making things disappear and reappear in places you didn't expect had the audience sitting on the edge of their seats throughout the evening." -Donaliece Carey, Director of Community Activities, Lansdowne Woods
For booking inquiries or if you'd like to say hello, fill the form out below or email me at savinosmagic@gmail.com.
(703) 851-5555